Day at the Dome Mini documentry

This has taken me a while to post and make because the first semester of this class I was still figuring our how to do certain things and getting a lot of projects not knowing very much on video editing was pretty difficult. This project was due the first semester, but I was not able... Continue Reading →

Endangered Species project

For this project we got to choose groups, which makes it much better. Each group got to choose an endangered, we choose the pigmy hippo. We had to present the project while getting filmed in the PNN studio.This project was the most difficult for me because we had to cut out the mistakes and gaps... Continue Reading →

60 Seconds Scientific American

This video is about how hearing effects the beluga whales. This video is by Christopher Intagliata. There are many things in the ocean that effect belugas hearing and scientist are seeing what types of this effect their hearing and how it correspond to other animals. In this video I found many images to match the... Continue Reading →

Bubble Chart

This shows the six main topics this blog will be about. It gives you a big overview of what is important in my life and the sub topics will go in depth. The website will be organized by these main six and then will have sub organizers to make it more easy to navigate and... Continue Reading →

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